Rare Diseases in Europe

Innovative Solutions for Rare Diseases: Our Commitment to Specialized Care

1 in 17 people in the EU has a rare disease

Addressing the Widespread Challenge of Rare Diseases in Europe

While an individual disease might be labeled as “rare”, the total number of persons in Europe suffering from identified rare diseases is large. Around 36 million people in Europe out of a population of 742 million are likely to suffer from a debilitating rare disease. This represents a huge unmet medical need and a significant public health challenge. 80% of rare diseases are of genetic origin and are often chronic and life-threatening often affecting newborns, children, and young adults.1

Over 6,000 rare diseases

Tackling the Complexity of Over 6,000 Rare Diseases in Europe

In Europe, a disease is considered rare if fewer than 5 in 10,000 people suffer from it. There are more than 6,000 rare diseases. One rare disease may affect only a handful of patients in the EU, and another touch as many as 245,000. Very few medicines are available for these rare diseases. One of the reasons is that companies can barely cover the costs of developing medicines for such small numbers of patients.1

Uniting for Progress

Collaborative Efforts and Innovations in Rare Disease Management

  • Research and Development

    Dedicated research in the field of rare diseases is the cornerstone for understanding and managing these conditions.

  • Collaborative Networks

    Collaboration is key in the rare disease domain.

  • Policy Development

    The rarity and diversity of these diseases require tailor-made political concepts.

  • Patient and Public Engagement

    Understanding and addressing rare diseases is not just a scientific and medical challenge; it also requires public awareness and patient engagement.

Uniting for Progress

Collaborative Efforts and Innovations in Rare Disease Management

  • Research and Development

    Dedicated research in the field of rare diseases is the cornerstone for understanding and managing these conditions.

  • Collaborative Networks

    Collaboration is key in the rare disease domain.

  • Policy Development

    The rarity and diversity of these diseases require tailor-made political concepts.

  • Patient and Public Engagement

    Understanding and addressing rare diseases is not just a scientific and medical challenge; it also requires public awareness and patient engagement.

Uniting for Progress

Collaborative Efforts and Innovations in Rare Disease Management

  • Research and Development

    Dedicated research in the field of rare diseases is the cornerstone for understanding and managing these conditions.

  • Collaborative Networks

    Collaboration is key in the rare disease domain.

  • Policy Development

    The rarity and diversity of these diseases require tailor-made political concepts.

  • Patient and Public Engagement

    Understanding and addressing rare diseases is not just a scientific and medical challenge; it also requires public awareness and patient engagement.

Uniting for Progress

Collaborative Efforts and Innovations in Rare Disease Management

  • Research and Development

    Dedicated research in the field of rare diseases is the cornerstone for understanding and managing these conditions.

  • Collaborative Networks

    Collaboration is key in the rare disease domain.

  • Policy Development

    The rarity and diversity of these diseases require tailor-made political concepts.

  • Patient and Public Engagement

    Understanding and addressing rare diseases is not just a scientific and medical challenge; it also requires public awareness and patient engagement.

Uniting for Progress

Collaborative Efforts and Innovations in Rare Disease Management

  • Research and Development

    Dedicated research in the field of rare diseases is the cornerstone for understanding and managing these conditions.

  • Collaborative Networks

    Collaboration is key in the rare disease domain.

  • Policy Development

    The rarity and diversity of these diseases require tailor-made political concepts.

  • Patient and Public Engagement

    Understanding and addressing rare diseases is not just a scientific and medical challenge; it also requires public awareness and patient engagement.
